Home Nursing Blog The Importance of Post-Discharge Follow-up: How It Can Improve Patient Outcomes

The Importance of Post-Discharge Follow-up: How It Can Improve Patient Outcomes

patient in the hospital

Follow-up care is an essential part of providing quality healthcare to patients, especially those with chronic conditions, complex needs, or high risk of complications. Statistics also reveal that consistent follow-up care also leads to better patient outcomes.

From nurse leaders and registered nurses to students of online MSN FNP programs, the importance of patient follow-up in the healthcare sector cannot be stressed enough. It is an essential component of effective healthcare, ensuring patients remain engaged with their treatment plans.

Research shows that hospitals are beginning to shift towards discharging patients living with chronic conditions. This has led to the need for increasingly complex post-discharge care required.

Data shows that America is facing a healthcare crisis on multiple fronts, with overall well-being and health declining. More than ever, it is important for healthcare professionals and organizations to understand the importance of post-discharge treatment plans and implementing follow-up care.

What does post-discharge mean?

The term ‘post-discharge’ refers to the period after a patient is formally released from a hospital visit. Post-discharge is commonly used to describe the follow-up treatment patients receive and is a critical phase of the recovery process.

After a patient leaves a hospital (is discharged) they should receive follow-up care instructions. This is known as post-discharge follow-up. These instructions could include:

  • A complete list of medications (if required), the purpose of each medication, potential side effects, refill information, and medication safety.
  • Wound care instructions, like a step-by-step guide for cleaning and changing dressing, how to look for signs of infection, and suture/staple care.
  • Information regarding activity restrictions. For example, no heavy exercise or lifting after surgery for a few weeks.
  • Follow-up instructions could include a dietary plan with restrictions or recommendations depending on the reason for a hospital visit.
  • Instructions on follow-up appointments, with information on when to book the appointments, when to call the doctor, and relevant contact information.

Post-discharge instructions are crucial for a patient’s smooth transition from the hospital to a home setting. It needs to be written clearly and concisely so it is easy for the patient (or a caregiver) to understand and follow.

The impact of follow-up care

Follow-up care is a critical component in all healthcare settings from clinics to aged care and hospitals. It has a significant impact on quality of care, health outcomes, hospital readmissions, and patient satisfaction.

For example, there is a study that found in-patients who rated their hospital care experience with a low degree of satisfaction were more likely to be readmitted within 30 days of post-discharge complications.

Readmission rates

Poor follow-up care along with the increasing pressure on hospitals to diagnose, treat, and discharge patients rapidly is leading to extremely high readmission rates. Research has found across the United States hospital readmission rates range from 11.2% to 22.3% depending on the state.

Statistics show that offering post-discharge follow-up services, like telephone consults and clear treatment plans, reduces readmission rates. This is because it provides resources for seeking help outside of hospital care, enhances patient education, and improves medication management decreasing the risk of complications and errors.

In particular, a recent study found:

  • Patients hospitalized with acute conditions were less likely to be readmitted if they were contacted as part of an early follow-up program post-discharge.
  • Up to 20% of readmissions are likely to be prevented in patients with three or more chronic conditions if they are contacted by a healthcare provider within 14 days.

Satisfaction and healthcare costs

Research has found that post-discharge follow-up services also have a positive impact on patient satisfaction. It can improve the outcome of the care and make the patient feel more valued.

Data also reveals that post-discharge care also reduces costs for both, the hospital and the patient. This is because rehospitalization can be costly for the parties involved, which are resources that could be allocated to helping other patients or accessing other health resources.

Statistics from the American Institutes for Research reveal that hospital readmissions drive up the cost of health care. Every year, Medicare alone spends an estimated $17 billion or more on unplanned hospital readmissions.

Many of these hospital readmissions could have been preventable through better quality of care during the patient’s stay and thorough post-discharge follow-up services.

Key components of effective follow-up

When it comes to tailoring effective post-discharge follow-up plans, there are a few key components to keep in mind for maximizing results. These include:

  • Establishing clear communication channels for the patient. This includes ensuring accessibility, whether through phone, email, or a secure messaging platform, for the patient to access support services. This also helps patients feel valued and stay engaged.
  • Prioritize timeliness when it comes to follow-up appointments. Research has shown that a healthcare organization or provider following up within a 14-day timeframe is better for patient outcomes and satisfaction.
  • Where possible, incorporate patient education and provide resources to empower the patient in managing their health. For example, offering educational pamphlets or documents to help the patient better monitor and manage their symptoms.

Patient follow-up strategies

When it comes to post-discharge follow-up the process must be tailored towards the individual. While the treatment plan should vary from patient to patient, there are a few strategies that can be applied to almost any ongoing care system, these include:

  • This one is obvious—regular check-ins and monitoring. Any successful ongoing follow-up treatment requires consistency. Automating appointment reminders and leveraging technology, like telephone consults, can help make this process easier and more effective.
  • Trying to organize care coordination between healthcare providers can also help to ensure the success of post-discharge follow-up. For example, the hospital staff could contact and create a care plan with the patient’s general practitioner to better continuity of care.
  • The healthcare industry is rapidly evolving alongside technology, which now allows for services like easy booking and virtual consults. Leveraging these technologies can make it easier for patients to access immediate healthcare services and also avoid unplanned hospital visits.

Currently, the post-discharge follow-up in the United States is in a bleak condition. Americans are seeing physicians on average less than other countries and the country also has the highest rate of people with multiple chronic conditions.

Fortunately, post-discharge follow-up is a problem with a cure. As awareness grows about the importance of ongoing treatment and technology evolves in the healthcare field, it will help contribute to hospitals providing better follow-up care.

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