One essential part of nursing practice is accurate record keeping. Documentation is equally important as communicating by phone when relaying information to other healthcare professionals.This list of Common Use Nursing Abbreviations and Medical Terminologies is continuation to the previous set .
Abbreviation / Symbol | Meaning |
gm | Gram |
g | Gauge |
GALT | Gut associated lymphoid tissue |
GB | Gallbladder |
GBD | Gallbladder Disease |
GCS | Glasgow coma scale |
G & D | Growth and Development |
GERD | Gastroesophageal reflux disease |
GFR | Glomerular filatration rate |
GI | Gastrointestinal |
GPA | Gravida, Para, Abortus (i.e., G2, P1, A1) |
GSW | Gunshot wound |
GT | Gastrostomy Tube |
GTF | Gastrostomy Tube Feeding |
gtt(s) | Drop(s) |
GU | Gastric ulcer, Genitourinary |
GYN | Gynecology |
H2O | Water |
HA | Headache |
HBV | Hepatitis B virus |
HCO3 | bicarbonate |
HCTZ | hydrochlorothiazide |
HCV | Hepatitis C virus |
HD | hemodialysis |
HDN | hemolytic disease of the newborn |
HEENT | head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat |
HH | hiatal hernia |
HHNKS | hyperglycemic, hyperosomolar nonketotic syndrome |
hb | Hemoglobin |
HC | Head Circumference |
hgb | hemoglobin present |
HI | head injury |
HIV | Human immunodeficiency virus |
HL | hearing loss |
HLHS | hypoplastic left heart syndrome |
H/O | History of |
HOB | Head of bed |
H&N | head and neck |
HPI | History of present illness |
HR | Heart Rate |
hs | bedtime |
HSDNM | Heart sounds dual and no murmur |
HSV-1, HSV-2 | Herpes simplex virus type 1 or 2 |
Ht | Height |
Htn | Hypertension |
Hx | History |
I&O | Intake & output |
IBD | Inflammatory bowel disease |
IBS | Irritable bowel syndrome |
IC | Intracardiac |
ICC | Intercostal catheter |
ICP | Intracranial pressure |
ICU | Intensive care unit |
ICW | Intracellular water |
IDC | Indwelling catheter |
IDDM | Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus |
IG | Intragastric |
IGT | Impaired glucose tolerance |
IL | Intralipids |
IM | Intramuscular |
IMV | Intermittent Machanical Ventilation |
INH | isoniazid |
inj | injection |
inhal | inhalation |
instill | instillation |
IO | Intraosseous |
IPPV | Intermittent positive-pressure ventilation |
I.U | International Unit |
IUD | Intrauterine Device |
IUP | Intra-uterine pregnancy |
IV | Intravenous |
IVAD | Implantable venous access device |
IVDU | Intravenous drug use |
IVP | intravenous pyelography; intravenous push |
IVPB | Intravenous piggyback |
ISVD | interventricular septal defect |
JVP | Jugular venous pressure |
K | potassium |
Kcal | Kilo calorie |
KCl | potassium chloride |
kg | kilogram |
KUB | Kidney urinary bladder |
KVO | keep vein open (IV rate of usually 25 cc/hr with NS or D5W) |
L | liter/left |
L (Number 1 to 5) | Lumbar e.g. L2 fracture |
LA | Local anaesthetic |
lab | laboratory |
lb | pound |
LBW | low birth weight |
LFT | liver function tests |
LGA | large for gestational age |
liq | liquid |
LLE | left lower extremity |
LLQ | lower left quadrant |
LMP | Last Menstral Period |
LOC | Level of Consciousness |
LP | lumbar puncture |
Lpm | Liters per minute |
LR | lactated ringers |
LSCS | Lower Segment Caesarean Section |
LUE | left upper extremity |
LUQ | Left upper quadrant |
LVH | left ventricular hypertrophy |
M | Male, married |
MAE | Moves all Extremities |
MAOI | monamine oxidase inhibitor |
mcg | Micrograms |
MC&S | Microscopy, culture & sensitivities |
MCT | Medium Chain Triglycerides |
MDD | major depressive disorder |
MDI | Metered Dose Inhaler |
MDMA | 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine commonly knownas Ecstasy |
mEq | milliequivalent |
meth | Methamphetamine |
mg | Milligram |
MI | Myocardial infarction |
mL | milliliter |
mm | Millimeter |
M&M | morbidity & mortality |
mmHg | millimeters of mercury (BP unit) |
MMM | Mucous Membranes Moist |
MRI | Magnetic resonance imaging |
MVA | motor vehicle accident |
N/A | not available |
N&V | Nausea and vomiting |
Na+ | Sodium |
NAD | no acute distress |
NC | Nasal cannula |
NEB | Nebulized |
NG OR NGT | Nasogastric Tube |
NIDDM | Non-insulin dependent diabetes |
NKA | No Known Allergies |
NPO (nil per os) | Nothing by mouth |
NSS | Normal saline solution |
NSAID | Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug |
NTG | Nitroglycerin |
NVD | nausea, vomiting, diarrhea |
OB | obstetrics |
O.D. | Right eye |
O.S. | Left eye |
O.U. | Both eyes |
O2 | Oxygen |
O2 Sat | Oxygen saturation |
OD | Overdose |
OOB | out of bed |
OPA | Oral pharyngeal airway |
OPQRS | Mnemonic for: Onset, Provoke, Quality, Radiates,Severity, and Time |
OR | operating room |
ORIF | Open Reduction Internal Fixation |
Ortho | orthopedics |
OTC | Over the counter |
P&A | percussion and auscultation |
PAC | Premature atrial contraction |
PACU | postanaesthesia care unit |
PASTE | Mnemonic for: Progression, Associated chest pain,Sputum, Time, Exertion |
p.c | after meals |
PCA | Patient-controlled analgesia |
PDA | patent ductus arteriosus |
PEEP | positive endexpiratory pressure |
PEG | percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy |
PERRLA | pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation |
PFT | pulmonary function test |
pH | Degree of acidity or alkalinity |
PID | Pelvic inflammatory disease |
PIP | positive inspiratory pressure |
PKU | phenylketonuria |
PM | Afternoon |
PMH | past medical history |
PN | parenteral nutrition |
PNS | Peripheral nervous system |
PO | by mouth, oral |
POP | Pain on palpation |
PRN | As needed |
PROM | Passive Range of Motion/ Premature Rupture of Membranes |
PT | physical therapy |
PTA | Prior to admission or arrival |
PTB | Partial-Thickness Burn |
PUD | peptic ulcer disease |
PVC | Premature ventricular contraction |
q | every |
qh | Every hour |
qid | Four times daily |
qt | quart |
RBC | Red blood cell |
Rh | Rhesus factor |
RLE | Right lower extremity |
RLQ | Right lower quadrant |
R/O | Rule out |
ROM | Range of motion |
ROS | Review of symptoms |
RR | Respiratory Rate |
R/T | Related to |
RUE | Right upper extremity |
RUQ | Right upper quadrant |
RV | Right ventricle |
Rx | Prescription |
SA | Sinoatrial node |
SC | Subcutaneous |
SIADH | Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone |
SIDS | Sudden infant death syndrome |
SL | Sublingual |
SLE | Systemic lupus erythematosus |
SO | significant other |
SOB | Shortness of breath |
sp. Gr. | specific gravity |
S/S | Signs and symptoms |
stat | Immediately |
STD | Sexually transmitted disease |
Supp | Suppository |
Sx | Symptoms |
sz | Seizure |
tbs | tablespoon |
Temp. | Temperature |
Tab | Tablet |
TB | Tuberculosis |
TID | Three times a day |
TKO | To keep open |
TPN | Total Parenteral Nutrition |
Tx | Treatment |
U/A | Urinalysis |
UEC | Urea, electrolytes, creatinine |
uEq | microequivalent |
U/O | Urine Output |
URTI | Upper respiratory tract infection |
UTI | Urinary tract infection |
VF | Ventricular fibrillation |
VO | verbal order |
VP | venous pressure |
vol | Volume |
VS | Vital Signs |
WB | Weight bearing |
WBC | White blood cells |
W&D | Warm and dry |
Wk | week |
WNL | Within normal limits |
Wt | Weight |