
Meningitis Nursing Care and Medical Management

Signs and symptoms of meningeal inflammation have been recorded in countless ancient texts throughout history, but the term ‘meningitis’ became common after surgeon John...
nervous system anatomy and physiology

Nervous System Anatomy and Physiology

Have you ever wondered how all the sections of the body respond to each other? Which system employs both electrical and chemical means to...
hypertension nursing management

Hypertension Nursing Management & Desired Outcomes

Hypertension is the leading preventable risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and all-cause mortality worldwide. The prevalence of hypertension is rising globally owing to...
respiratory system anatomy and physiology

Anatomy and Physiology of Respiratory System

Human beings survive Three (3) weeks without food, Three (3) days without water, and only Three (3) minutes without oxygen. Trillions of human body...

200+ Great Ideas of Nursing Research Topics to Get Started

Running out of topic ideas for your nursing research paper? Stay on this page to find really cool and helpful lists of interesting research topics...

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Beyond the Scientific Proof of Care

Nursing discipline adapts to the fast-changing needs of the society, what is applicable yesterday may not be applicable today. The best practice of yesterday...
Nursing research definition

Nursing Research Definition: The Importance and Nurses Roles

The moment you ask a question and look for answers, you are simply engaging yourself into research. This “everyday research” continuously aims for the...
high risk pregnancy featured

Patient with High Risk Pregnancy & Nursing Care Management

Maternity nursing is concerned with more than just a healthy and uncomplicated pregnancy. It is also worried about caring for women carrying high-risk pregnancies...
10 herbal medicines approved by doh

10 Philippines Herbal Medicine Approved by DOH [Updates]

These days, people need more options on how to strengthen their immunity and fight against common ailments. For some of our patients, it is...
maslow hierarchy of needs

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Nurses operate daily, keeping efficiency intact and safety as the highest priority at all costs. With the help of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, they...

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

The outbreak of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has thus far killed over 5,00,000 people and...

Nursing Management of Pneumonia and Disease Process

Nurses play a pivotal role in improving patient outcomes. Nursing management of the pneumonia patient is critical to patient recovery. A thorough nursing assessment...